TURBOdesign Suite
TURBO Design Suite - 3D 공기역학적 터보 기계 설계 소프트웨어
TURBO Design Suite는 펌프, 컴프레서, 팬, 터빈 및 토크 컨버터와 같은 모든 유형의 터보 기계 블레이드를 위한 고유한 공기역학 및 유체역학 3D 설계 패키지입니다.
TURBOdesign1 is an inviscid aerodynamic and hydrodynamic design software for turbomachinery blades using a 3D Inverse Design method. The code is applicable to all types of turbomachinery such as fans, pumps, compressors, turbines and torque converters in axial, mixed-flow and centrifugal configuration.
TURBOdesign Workbench enables the seamless integration of TURBOdesign 1 into ANSYS Workbench platform to help empower designers to take control and transform the performance and optimisation of turbomachinery technology.
TURBOdesign2 is a fully 3D Transonic Viscous Inverse Design Code developed for application to transonic axial fans, compressors and turbines used in aero-engines and gas turbines.
TURBOdesign Optima is a fully integrated automatic optimization platform for the design of turbomachinery blades subject to multi-point and multi-objective design objectives. The program supports Design of Experiments (DoE), Response Surface Model (RSM) and Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) optimization.
TURBOdesign Pre is a 1D sizing code applicable to various turbomachinery components. It uses different loss models to optimize the basic dimensions of an impeller, vaned and vane-less diffusers and volute given flow rate, rpm and pressure rise/head.
TURBOdesign Volute is a volute design code based on a 2D inverse design methodology which allows designers to account for circumferential variation of inlet flow angle and velocity so that off design conditions can be considered at the design stage.
TURBOdesign 3DLab allows generating solid models of the optimised geometries created by the TURBOdesign Suite. Powered by ANSYS SpaceClaim, it enables flexible geometry manipulation and exporting the generated models to a wide array of file formats, making it compatible with the most commonly used CAD software packages.
TURBOdesign CAD is developed to considerably speed up the blade design process & integration with existing design environments. The code includes a Quasi3D module for blade loading analysis of existing designs, direct blade design capabilities and major import/export functions to/from TURBOdesign Suite.
TURBOdesign Shaper optimizes complex geometries with respect to given targets, such as total pressure loss and velocity uniformity. It does so by computing the sensitivities of the geometry itself versus those targets and then modifying it.
TURBOdesignWB is a module that enables the seamless integration of TURBOdesign1 into the ANSYS Workbench platform.
TURBOdesign CFD is a fast and robust CFD solver developed for the application to compressible and incompressible turbomachinery flows. TURBOdesign CFD has been specifically developed in order to streamline the application of CFD in the blade design process.